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Ruru Lin

🌟Ton Yen General Hospital Volunteer Training Program 🌟

HIA students Justin Lee, Veronica Lin, Sunny Yang, Elaine Yeh, and Hebe Chen participated in the summer volunteer training program organized by Ton Yen General Hospital. They demonstrated a strong sense of responsibility and dedication to service. This experience not only enhanced their communication and teamwork skills but also allowed them to understand the importance of caring for others and contributing to society. A big thank you to Ton Yen General Hospital for organizing this wonderful program!

HIA學生Justin Lee、Veronica Lin、Sunny Yang、Elaine Yeh 和 Hebe Chen 於今年暑假參加由東元綜合醫院舉辦的暑期志工訓練服務活動,展現了高度的責任感與服務精神。此活動不僅鍛鍊了他們的溝通能力與團隊合作精神,也在實際服務中體會到了關懷他人與貢獻社會的意義。感謝這些同學的努力與付出,期待未來他們能持續參與更多志工活動,為社會帶來更多正能量!特別感謝東元綜合醫院為學生們規劃這充滿意義的活動!



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