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作家相片Ruru Lin

🤝Community Outreach: Taiwan IVF Group 🤝


🤝Community Outreach: Taiwan IVF Group 🤝

Last weekend, HIA students volunteered at Taiwan IVF Group Community Outreach Activity, where they helped organizing games and activities for young children.The student volunteers designed interactive game booths using recycled materials and helped to promote some of the SDGs goals to the community.

❤️All participating students showed initiative, leadership and care for the community. A big thank you to HIA students for their participation!



❤️HIA學生志工們精心設計了遊戲互動攤位,與艾微芙家庭共度愉快時光外,還透過遊戲活動提倡SDGs 目標。感謝志工們的熱情參與,這場活動展現了志工們的愛心、領導力和對社區的關懷,相信他們也在其中獲得了許多成長與收穫。



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