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作家相片Ruru Lin

🏃🏻‍♂️‍➡️2024 STAR Korrnell Sports Day🏃🏻‍♀️

🏃🏻‍♂️‍➡️2024 STAR Korrnell Sports Day🏃🏻‍♀️

HIA participated in the STAR Korrnell Sports Day for the first time! The event took place at the Hsinchu County Stadium last Saturday (4/27) and drew over 6800 attendees, including students, teachers, and parents from Korrnell Academy, STAR Academy, and HIA. We would like to express our gratitude to the Hsinchu County Magistrate, Mr. Wen-Ke Yang, and the Director General of the Hsinchu County Education Bureau, Ms. Chun Tzu Yang, for attending the event as honored guests. The event showcased a lively student parade, track events, and team-building challenges. The success of the sports day was made possible by the support and dedication of all teachers and staff. A big thank you to everyone who participated the event.🏆🏅


上週六(4/27)於新竹縣立體育場,星苗康乃薾教育體系舉行一年一度的運動會,今年也是康乃薾國際實驗國高中第一次參加教育體系的運動會。特別感謝新竹縣縣長 楊文科 、新竹縣教育局局長 楊郡慈等貴賓親臨現場參加。現場包含康乃薾雙語中小學、星苗幼兒部三個校區以及康乃薾國際實驗國高中(HIA),估計超過6,800名師生及家長參加。那雄赳赳氣昂昂、整齊壯麗的班級進場隊伍,動感十足、青春洋溢的大會操,都讓我們讚嘆與感動。在大家的期許下、在所有的師生全心全力展現最真最美的自己,連老天爺都展露了陽光,似乎也一起與我們同樂呢!最後,感謝父母一同陪伴孩子活動、紀錄參與。也感謝每個辛勞的工作夥伴。因為大家的合作,使得這次運動會圓滿順利的劃上句點。🏆🏅



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