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Ruru Lin

🔬 Mass Mysteries Unveiled: Exploring the Law of Conservation in Chemistry 🧪🔬

Last week in Mr. Teoh's Grade 10 Chemistry classes, students engaged in hands-on experiments to explore the Law of Conservation of Mass. By observing reactions like copper sulfate with sodium hydroxide, baking soda with vinegar, and burning steel wool, they learned that the total mass remains constant even when substances change. This exciting, interactive approach not only deepened their understanding of fundamental scientific principles but also sparked curiosity and critical thinking skills essential for their growth as young scientists. 🧫💡

🧪🔬質量的奧秘:探索化學中的質量守恆定律 🧪🔬

上週在G10的化學課程中,Mr. Teoh帶領學生透過手作實驗探索質量守恆定律,學生們進行了硫酸銅與氫氧化鈉反應、小蘇打與醋反應以及鋼絲燃燒等實驗,從中學習到即使物質發生變化,總質量仍保持不變。這類實際動手操作的互動式學習不僅深化了對基本科學原理的理解,也激發了學生的好奇心和批判性思考能力,這是培養科學思維的重要關鍵。🧫💡





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