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Anti-Tobacco Awareness Workshop 🚭

Ruru Lin

✨【Anti-Tobacco Awareness Workshop 🚭】✨

Today, the team from Ton Yen General Hospital visited HIA Hsinchu International Academy to deliver an Anti-Tobacco Awareness Workshop, helping students gain a deeper understanding of the dangers of smoking and how to protect themselves and those around them from the effects of secondhand smoke. Making healthy choices starts now! 💪

A special thanks to Dr. Huang Hui-Lun for her insightful and engaging presentation, which kept the students fully engaged throughout the session. They gained valuable knowledge about the dangers of smoking and how to protect themselves and others from secondhand smoke. Making healthy choices starts now! 🚭

Let’s work together towards a smoke-free campus! 🌿🚭


今天,東元綜合醫院團隊特別蒞臨 HIA康乃薾國際實驗國高中,為HIA同學們帶來 菸害防制法宣導講座,讓同學們更加了解吸菸的危害,以及如何保護自己和身邊的人遠離二手菸的影響。健康的選擇,從現在開始!💪

特別感謝黃彗倫主任 精彩的講解,讓學生們全程專注聆聽,收穫滿滿!同學們也更加了解吸菸的危害,以及如何保護自己和身邊的人遠離二手菸的影響。健康的選擇,從現在開始!🚭

讓我們共同為 無菸校園 努力!🌿🚭

📞 (03)667-6339


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